Monday, February 24, 2003

Tell me if this has happened to you. I got a couple of cards and letters in the mail from a company which had arranged to publish a class directory for my high school class. They wanted me to call and confirm my info. Knowing full well that they would want to try to sell me a copy, I still called them to mke sure my info was correct. Plus I might want to buy one, if the price wasn't too unreasonable. Say $20-$25. So I called them up. They already had most of my info, apart from my email. The they offered to sell me a copy, either hard bound or on CD for the low low price of just eighty bucks. When I balked on that, they said there was a special where I could get both the book and the CD for just $140. No? How about the soft cover version for $70? I have a feeling that no one in my class will be rich enough to ever see my info.

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