Sunday, March 30, 2003

Imagine you are walking down a neighborhood street. Not one you walk down everyday, but one that is close enough that you COULD walk on it each day if you needed to. On this street, on a telephone pole, let's say, is a flyer. This flyer annonunces that a meal is being served at an establishment nearby. You walk in, and discover that this is one of the most beautifully appointed buildings you've ever seen. There is a large buffet table set up in the middle, and a sign announcing "Free: Help Yourself". As you approach you notice the table isabsolutely covered in delicacies both familiar and exotic. Taking this food to your table, you savor it in a leisurely fashion, and after finishing, you discuss the various entrees with your friend (you did bring a friend along, didn't you?), noting those you liked more than others. In the middle of the table is a small booklet describing the food you've eaten and the world class chef who prepared it. As you get up to leave, you notice the chef himself standing near the door, and if you are the bold type, you walk over and tell him how much you enjoyed the meal, especially the (whatever was your favorite). The chef graciously thanks you for coming and asks you to come back next time. You think to yourself, "Now why exactly don't I come here more often?"

The scenario above describes pretty well my feelings about my evening tonight. Lenise and I went to an organ concert at Duke Chapel. Absolutely beautiful music in an absolutely beautiful setting and absolutely free. Not to mention they have recitals pretty much all the time. Tonight's concert featured music of Buxtehude, Bach, Reger, Franck and others. Organ music is just so visceral, especially live. I'm personally of the opinion that Buxtehude is perhaps the most underated composer of western music. He had the misfortune of being followed closely by an even better composer (J S Bach), and I think for that reason alone his name is fairly unknown outside of those who study organ music.

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