Saturday, February 23, 2002

It's somewhat difficult to even describe what we saw last night, but I'll give it my best. I took my wife to the UNC campus for a free showing of a play. There was no writer credit for the play, so I'll have to assume it was written by the director/producer or the cast members. In any event, here's the general idea. The group had been planning to do a performance of The Wizard of Oz, but discovered at the last minute that they couldn't obtain/afford the performance rights. Given that they'd already spent so much on sets and costumes, and they wanted to keep the show going, they went out and found the cheapest thing they could find, which happened to be a rock musical called Oedipus Rox. They went on to perform said musical on the Wizard of Oz set with WoO costumes.

After the opening number and first scene, I thought it was going to be just unbearable, but it managed to pick up steam (and humor) as it went. I don't have the playbill in front of me so I can't give you the cast member's names. The part of Scarecrow/Oedipus was played quite well. Dorothy and the wicked witch ended up playing his daughters. Dorothy was particularly upset about being transfered from the lead to such a minor role and kept bring up her "wizard" lines. She was particularly upset at Creon, as he wasn't even a cast member in WoO, he was the set carpenter. He ended up having the strongest performance of the bunch. The chorus was somewhat equally divided between people in togas, munchkins, and flying monkees, the latter wearing skirts and red vests. All in all not a bad night out on the town.

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