Tuesday, November 19, 2002

I just stole this from AKMA (and edited some of the references), but I thought someone might enjoy it here who didn't read it there:

When someone who blogs regularly stops for a few days, I always wonder what the best thing to do is. If you write and say, where are you? you might be bugging someone who just wants a break and doesn't want to feel pressured to write all the time. If you don't say anything, then someone who is deathly ill or who is feeling unloved might think that noone cares. I wonder if it might be good to establish a little e-postcard checklist that could be sent out to someone who has lapsed a bit, just to ease (or alarm) the minds of the rest and to clarify the situation to everyone's benefit. It might
include some of the following:

I have not been blogging recently because:

I am really sick and can't even focus to see the keyboard.
Please leave me alone.
Please send flowers and lots of email.

My inlaws/old college roommates/IRS auditors are here.
Please leave me alone.
Please distract me with lots of email.

My dog/cat died.
Please leave me alone.
Please send flowers and lots of email.

I am having a nervous breakdown.
Please leave me alone.
Please send flowers and lots of email.

I have lost my internet connection.
Please send money.
It's pointless--I can't even get this email.

I have lost my job/spouse/house/lover/therapist.
Please leave me alone.
Please send money/spouse/house/lover/therapist.

I hate blogging this week and never want to blog again.
Please leave me alone.
Please blog why I am right.
Please blog why I am wrong.

I had a birthday/anniversary/blogging anniversary/great blog entry/conference and no one noticed/came.
Please leave me alone.
Please call me on the phone, everyone.
Please send chocolate.

No one understands me anyway.
Please leave me alone.
Please just pretend I'm Chris Locke and don't try to understand me.
Please just pretend you understand me and leave clever comments.

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