Friday, February 15, 2002

Alright, it's time for me to come out with it. I've been hiding it too long and no longer wish to live a lie. Here goes: I hate the Olympics. There, I said it. Man do I feel better. Why on earth should I get excited about the idea of young people from all over the world sacrificing their youth and potential productivity just so they can be in the spotlight once every four years. Mind you, it isn't sporting competitions per se I dislike, its the "amateur" pretension of the Olympics. If someone should be so fortunate as to be able to make a living playing sports, more power to them. If people want to compete in sports with their friends and neighbors, that seems healthy to me. But to throw away years of your life just to be on tv for a few minutes just seems like madness.

If you really wanted to be on tv, here's an idea. Find a way to get yourself hired as a security guard for a live tv show or event, then manage to sneak in front of the camera. Not only will you be on tv, you will be earning a paycheck and performing, I suppose, a worthwhile service, i.e. keeping morons from getting on tv.

If you have angry comments, please send them to

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