Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Went to work this morning; normal tuning plus needed a bunch of capstans regulated (don't ask); dentist appointment; quick lunch; pick up Mrs Thomas; take the two of us to Mrs. Coates' funeral; fairly long episcopal burial service; reception; take Mrs. Thomas back home; drive up to duke to visit with Dave Long after his back surgery (he's doing well); down to Boston Market to pick up food; take food to Hoffman's house (their baby is doing well); buy gas; drive back to Mebane; dinner is on the stove/in the microwave now.

Now I just have to eat, go back to Durham for music practice, and come home one more time and I'm done. Ok, I need to do the dishes too. They're piling a bit now. And go feed Tom's cat.

Did you ever have one of those days?

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